Keep your site’s SEO in shape

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Keep your site’s SEO in shape

We all know why miracle diets don’t work in the long run… because Rome and Pavia were not built in one day! At Fuzelift we constantly receive budget requests to improve website SEO, that is, the positioning in search results. Although we can always improve many aspects, the truth is that the results are radically better if our client helps us.

Hence the title of this article: if we buy weights to use at home, we will most likely do the exercises poorly and after a few weeks (days ??) we no longer even remember that we have the weights to train with. But if we go to a gym, we will have a monitor (or Personal Trainer) that tells us what exercises to do and how. But there it is … it always depends on us.

Improving the SEO of a website is the same thing: We can make the first optimisations and support the tasks that improve the SEO of the website, but you are the owner of the business and you have to know what is important to your users.

Due to the many techniques we can use, people visit your website because it has the content they are looking for, whether it is a technical article, information about a service or a product at a good price! If our client has good content, our work is easier and the results are much better.

So, if you want to optimise your website for results on Google, put yourself in the user’s shoes and ask yourself if your website has what you’re looking for. With interesting and relevant content, your website’s SEO will improve, you’ll pay less for clicks on AdWords ads, and you’ll achieve your goals faster with higher conversion rates. This is where Fuzelift comes in: to tell you what exercises to do and how!