Privacy Policy

Types of Personal Data Collection and Purposes

RGB SPACES collects and processes personal data when individuals voluntarily subscribe to its newsletter.

By subscribing to the RGB SPACES newsletter, the data subject gives their express and unequivocal consent for their personal data to be used by RGB SPACES to send the said newsletter, which aims to inform them about any products, equipment, and solutions sold by RGB SPACES within the scope of its commercial activities.

Subscription to the newsletter is completely optional, being a free, specific, informed, unequivocal, and exclusive choice by the subscriber, based on their express consent, which can be withdrawn at any time.

RGB SPACES also automatically collects data such as IP addresses, browser types, domains, and access times of visitors to its site.

The data thus collected, however, do not allow identification of the respective data subject, but only the mechanism used to access the site.

The collection of such data is intended solely to improve the service provided to site users.

Types of Personal Data Collected

RGB SPACES collects the following types of personal data:

  • Email (in case it is associated with the data subject).

Security and Confidentiality of Personal Data

RGB SPACES ensures the implementation of appropriate measures designed to keep personal data protected against any accidental loss and safe from any unauthorized or improper access, alteration, or disclosure.

Personal data is collected and stored in a database within a system protected by a password, with limited access and located in physical facilities subject to strict access control measures.

RGB SPACES also ensures that its site has appropriate security measures to prevent, as much as possible, unauthorized access, theft, illicit modifications, and the loss of personal data introduced there, while constantly seeking and implementing additional security measures and techniques within its capacity to achieve this goal. How We Share Personal Data and Subcontractors

RGB SPACES employs third parties to manage its newsletter, using companies with appropriate security levels and bound to comply with RGB SPACES’ instructions in data protection matters.

Thus, RGB SPACES ensures that any subcontracted entity will process the personal data of newsletter subscribers on behalf of RGB SPACES, with an obligation to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, disclosure, unauthorized access, and any other form of illicit or unauthorized processing.

RGB SPACES must provide newsletter subscribers with the identification of its partners who process their personal data on behalf of RGB SPACES upon request.

Retention of Personal Data

RGB SPACES will keep the personal data of the respective data subjects as long as they maintain their consent for receiving the newsletter.

In case of opting to unsubscribe from the newsletter, RGB SPACES guarantees that the respective data subject’s personal data will be immediately deleted, and cannot be used for any other purpose, except with express consent from the data subject.

Ways to Access, Modify, Correct, and Delete Personal Data

RGB SPACES ensures that the data subject has timeless and unconditional access to their data for verification, modification, correction, and updating.

The data subject may also, at any time, oppose the use of their data for newsletter purposes.

The exercise of any rights described in the preceding paragraphs or any other information regarding their personal data should be made by requesting the data protection officer appointed by RGB SPACES.

Contacts for the Person Responsible for Data Processing

RGB SPACES is responsible for processing the personal data collected as part of newsletter subscriptions, with the following contacts:

  • Rua do Campo de Futebol, 270, office i, 2785-609 São Domingos de Rana
  • 214 307 990

As the data processor, RGB SPACES has a data protection officer responsible for ensuring the integrity of personal data, as well as implementing and executing technical and security measures to comply with its legal obligations in terms of data protection.

The data protection officer is also responsible for receiving and responding to any request made by the personal data subject.

The data protection officer can be contacted at any time by the personal data subjects through the following contacts:

  • Rua do Campo de Futebol, 270, office i, 2785-609 São Domingos de Rana
  • 214 307 990

Changes to This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy

RGB SPACES reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy at any time.

Any changes to the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy must be immediately communicated to the data subject, who must also be informed of where they can view these changes. Law and Jurisdiction

Browsing and using the site, as well as subscribing to the newsletter, are subject to the acceptance by the respective users and/or subscribers of this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.

Any issue related to the interpretation and compliance with the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy must be resolved by referring to the applicable legislation in Portugal. In the event of a dispute, Portuguese courts shall have jurisdiction.